Notes for Upgraders

This is a consolidated list of release note items relevant to those upgrading Bugzilla. If you are upgrading from version X.X to version Y.Y, you need to read all the notes for every version between them, plus those for version Y.Y.

Each new version of Bugzilla has many enhancements and improvements. Issues are listed here only if they might lead to an admin needing to pay special attention and possibly take manual steps to update their installation, its extensions, or code which interacts with their Bugzilla. So the focus is on backwardly-incompatible changes. This is not a complete list of changes.

If, when upgrading, you hit an issue which is not documented here and which was not caused by your own changes or customizations, please file a bug to get it added to this document.


Apache Configuration Change

For improved security, Bugzilla now prevents directory browsing by default. In order to do that, the root bugzilla/.htaccess file now contains the Options -Indexes directive. By default, this directive is not allowed in .htaccess and so you must configure Apache to allow it. To do that, add Options to the AllowOverride directive in httpd.conf. This means you should now have something like this:

AllowOverride Limit FileInfo Indexes Options

Check the documentation for more information about how to configure Apache.

Code Changes Which May Affect Customizations and Extensions

Notable WebService Changes


Code Changes Which May Affect Customizations and Extensions

Notable WebService Changes


Apache Configuration Changes


If you run Bugzilla under mod_cgi (this is the most common configuration, involving a <Directory> block in your Apache config file), you will need to update the configuration of Apache for Bugzilla. In particular, this line in the Bugzilla \<Directory\> block:

AllowOverride Limit

needs to become:

AllowOverride Limit FileInfo Indexes

For full details on how to configure Apache for Bugzilla, see the Configuration section of the Bugzilla Guide.


If your Bugzilla runs under mod_perl, the required Apache configuration is now simpler. The line that used to look like:

PerlSwitches -w -T -I/var/www/html/bugzilla -I/var/www/html/bugzilla/lib

Now should be only:

PerlSwitches -w -T

The PerlConfigRequire line should stay the same, however.

New .htaccess file

In previous versions of Bugzilla, there was a file in Bugzilla’s root directory called “.htaccess” that was generated by This file is now shipped with Bugzilla instead of being generated during installation.

If you update via CVS, bzr or git, you will get a message that your existing .htaccess file conflicts with the new one. You must remove your existing .htaccess file and use the new one instead. Continuing to use your old .htaccess file will cause certain new features of Bugzilla to not work properly, and may also lead to security issues for your system in the future.

Code Changes Which May Affect Customizations and Extensions

Notable WebService Changes


DB Consistency Check

When upgrading to 3.6, will create foreign keys for many columns in the database. Before doing this, it will check the database for consistency. If there are an unresolvable consistency problems, it will tell you what table and column in the database contain the bad values, and which values are bad. If you don’t know what else to do, you can always delete the database records which contain the bad values by logging in to your database and running the following command:

DELETE FROM table WHERE column IN (1, 2, 3, 4)

Just replace “table” and “column” with the name of the table and column that mentions, and “1, 2, 3, 4” with the invalid values that prints out.

Remember that you should always back up your database before doing an upgrade.

Code Changes Which May Affect Customizations and Extensions

Notable WebService Changes


DB Consistency Check

When upgrading to 3.4, will create foreign keys for many columns in the database. Before doing this, it will check the database for consistency. If there are an unresolvable consistency problems, it will tell you what table and column in the database contain the bad values, and which values are bad. If you don’t know what else to do, you can always delete the database records which contain the bad values by logging in to your database and running the following command:

DELETE FROM table WHERE column IN (1, 2, 3, 4)

Just replace “table” and “column” with the name of the table and column that mentions, and “1, 2, 3, 4” with the invalid values that prints out.

Remember that you should always back up your database before doing an upgrade.

Code Changes Which May Affect Customizations and Extensions

Notable WebService Changes


Code Changes Which May Affect Customizations


Code Changes Which May Affect Customizations

Older Releases

If you are upgrading from a release even older than 2.22 (which was the release before 3.0), you will need to do the release note archaeology yourself. Start here.