11. May 2005
Release of Bugzilla 2.18.1, 2.19.3, and 2.16.9
Today we are releasing Bugzilla 2.18.1, a bug-fix release for the 2.18 series. It contains various useful bug and security fixes for the original 2.18 release.
We are also releasing a very unstable development snapshot, 2.19.3, for those who want to track the bleeding edge of Bugzilla development. We expect our next development release after this to be Release Candidate 1 (2.20rc1).
Finally, there is a security-fix release for the old 2.16 series, version 2.16.9. Users of 2.16 are still encouraged to upgrade to 2.18 as soon as it is possible.
- Download the new versions.
- Read the Release Notes for 2.18.1.
- See the changelog for the new versions.
- Read the Security Advisory for the new releases.
And read our latest Status Update! It contains a lot of useful information, particularly about the latest development release (which has no release notes besides this Status Update).