07. March 2018
Watch the March 7 Bugzilla Project Meeting
There was a lot of good information in today’s project meeting. Below are the minutes from the meeting as well as a link to the video recording of the meeting. Be sure to check out and comment on the new project roadmaps!
video recording of this meeting
- Appoint note taker and get them editing the Etherpad
- justdave
- We now have a new set of roadmaps
- Dylan gave a walkthrough of the new roadmaps - https://github.com/bugzilla/harmony/wiki
- watch the meeting video recording for commentary (it’s good stuff!)
- Infrastructure updates
- www.bugzilla.org was switched over to GitHub Pages finally -
this gets it out of Mozilla’s internal hosting infrastructure
and into somewhere the Bugzilla project has some amount of
control over.
- typo fixes and other pull requests welcome at https://github.com/bugzilla/bugzilla.github.io
- We have a couple leads on hosting for the remaining Bugzilla project infrastructure - will hopefully have movement on this in the next month or so. (we have until August to get out of Mozilla’s old datacenter)
- www.bugzilla.org was switched over to GitHub Pages finally -
this gets it out of Mozilla’s internal hosting infrastructure
and into somewhere the Bugzilla project has some amount of
control over.
- Any other business
- none brought up.
The next meeting will be on Wednesday, April 4, at 20:00 UTC (9pm BST / 4pm EDT / 1pm PDT)