2.18.3, 2.20rc2, and 2.21 Security Advisory

Friday, Sep 30th, 2005

Bugzilla is a Web-based bug-tracking system used by a large number of
software projects. The following security issues have been discovered
in Bugzilla:

* config.cgi exposes information to users who aren't logged in, even
  when "requirelogin" is turned on in Bugzilla.

* It is possible to bypass the "user visibility groups" restrictions
  if user-matching is turned on in "substring" mode. 

All affected installations are encouraged to upgrade as soon as

Vulnerability Details

Class:       Information Leak
Affected:    2.18rc1 - 2.18.3, 2.19 - 2.20rc2, 2.21
Description: config.cgi gives JavaScript and RDF information about Bugzilla
             to third-party clients, including a list of products in the
             Bugzilla installation. The "requirelogin" parameter requires
             that all people be logged into Bugzilla before seeing any data,
             as a security measure.
             In affected versions, config.cgi is always accessible, and always
             contains information to non-logged-in users, even when 
             "requirelogin" is turned on, possibly exposing product names that
             administrators expected to be confidential.
References:  https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=308256

Class:       Information Leak
Affected:    2.19.1 - 2.20rc2, 2.21
Description: Bugzilla contains features to prevent users from "seeing" other 
             users, enabled by the "usevisibilitygroups" parameter. Bugzilla
             also contains a feature called "user matching," which enables
             users to type in part of a username and get back a list of
             possible matches.
             If user matching is turned on and is in "substring" mode,
             all matching users will be returned to a query, regardless
             of the visibility groups settings, exposing users who should
             be invisible.
References:  https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=308662

Vulnerability Solutions

The fix for these issues is included in the 
releases. Upgrading to a release with the relevant fix will
protect your installation from possible exploits of these issues.

If you are unable to upgrade but would like to patch just the security
vulnerability, there are patches available for the issues at the
"References" URL.

Full release downloads, patches to upgrade Bugzilla from previous
versions, and git upgrade instructions are available at:



The Bugzilla team wish to thank the following people for their
assistance in locating, advising us of, and assisting us to fix this

Issue 1 Reporter: Frédéric Buclin
Issue 1 Fixed by: Frédéric Buclin, Max Kanat-Alexander

Issue 2 Reporter: Frédéric Buclin
Issue 2 Fixed by: Joel Peshkin, Myk Melez, Max Kanat-Alexander

General information about the Bugzilla bug-tracking system can be found


Comments and follow-ups can be directed to the support-bugzilla mailing list.
https://www.bugzilla.org/support/ has directions for accessing this forum.